Circular Economy

SWS are active in supporting our clients in embracing the Circular Economy.

The very nature of the mainstream ‘make-take-dispose’ consumer model can have significant impact on human health, climate change and the environment.

Circular economy is about changing the way we produce, assemble, sell and use products to minimise waste, and to reduce our environmental impact. The circular economy can also be great for business; by maximising the use of our valuable resources, and by contributing to innovation, growth and job creation.

Embracing a circular economy will provide long-term economic, social, and environmental benefits for SWS clients. A circular economy is all about valuing our resources, by getting as much use out of products and materials as possible, andreducing the amount of waste we generate.

Economic Benefits

Circular economy increases the resilience of local markets and industry to external shocks and stresses, particularly in resource commodity markets. SWS supports the development of local markets for recycled materials to reduces the dependency and minimises potential risks from any future changes to international trade policy or commodity pricing.

Social Benefits

Job generation is the main social benefit of a circular economy. Specifically, job generation is expected in the recycling, repair, re-use, remanufacturing areas and through increased service offerings from repurposing with SWS.

Environmental Benefits

Through a focus on greater material efficiency and reduced waste (Waste Avoidance), a circular economy provides a range of environmental benefits compared with a linear economy. By focusing on maximising the value of resources and keeping material in use for as long as possible, a circular economy decouples economic growth from resource use.